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I clipped out of bounds by going through the door on the last level so I could win easier haha! I loved the speed tech to go super fast after bouncing on a wall. Fun game!

Would be fun to see a speed run where they just keep hitting the side of the wall and zoom lol.

The movement is strange! I kept passing through walls and colliding with stuff made me go super fast for no apparent reason. BUT, I did enjoy this game! The moment I realized I could eat the rats from behind was the moment I started having fun! This idea should be explored further!

If you'd like to check out our game, you are more than welcome to! :D

Glad you had fun! sure I’ll check it out when I can!

I like the concept of eat the rats to make stealth easier in one way, no more rat, but harder in others, longer and easier to detect. The issue I found was its almost never advantageous to eat the rat, better to just avoid.

I think the snake always moving forward is a bit unnecessary for a stealth game. I'd like more agency and bumping into crates and walls to hide feel clunky.

The horn for getting caught gave me a chuckle. Good job!

Thanks so much for taking the time to play and write up your thoughts! Glad you enjoyed the trumpet lol

this is hard!